Why You Need a Secure Data Room

A secure dataroom can be described as a virtual solution designed for secure sharing and management of confidential documents during deals and transactions. If you must share sensitive information, do not make use of less secure platforms like email, Google Drive, or Dropbox.

When sharing SOC 2 docs, compliance certificates and other infoSec documents, you need an unbreakable security system. Emails have been used for years to transfer files during M&A due-diligence and other transactions. However once the data leaves your email, you no longer have control over its location or who has securedataroom.net access to it. In reality, it’s not as simple to adhere to regulations such as GDPR and CCPA by using email.

Even if 2FA can be used to stop unauthorized sharing however, a lot of systems don’t prevent users from sharing an email – they just sign in with their login credentials and gain access to a file. This defeats the purpose of having a secure dataroom in the first place.

A reliable VDR solution will offer an absolute barrier to unauthorised sharing, and also include features such as dynamic watermarking, which can identify documents as they leave the platform. This allows you to monitor unauthorized use and hold accountable those who are negligent for accidental leaks or illegal sharing. You should consider a service that utilizes SOC2 compatible servers (SSAE18) and private cloud, and advanced encryption to protect your data from hackers. Find out how to choose the best option for your business by booking an individual demo with our team today.

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