How to Improve Virtual Board Communication

The flu epidemic has forced nonprofit boards to make difficult choices and engage the community on a distant basis. This means that effective communication with the board via a virtual platform is more important than ever. There are a number of ways to improve remote meetings.

Be sure that everyone is informed of the agenda and any relevant documents prior to the date. This will enable them to prepare and participate in productive discussion.

Use a video conferencing program that is of high audio and video quality, and a feature that permits you to record meetings. It should also be simple to share the meeting link with anyone who was unable be present or who needs to review the material later.

Encourage participants to turn their video camera on and speak clearly into it. This will make your discussion more personal and make it easier for everyone to keep the record of who’s speaking. It’s a great idea to have the chair of the meeting move around and ask each member for their input. Alternately, ask attendees to raise their hands and wait to be called upon.

Avoid using expletives and sarcasm when you are in a virtual space. They can be easily confused and can cause confusion or even anger.

Select a board-management solution that provides a range of useful tools for running effective remote meetings. These include an agenda builder and video integration. It should also have 24-hour assistance with any issues that might arise.

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